VSCO Film Review

I’ve searched for years for the right presets and/or plugins that would assist me in my post-processing.  The past few months I’ve been using VSCO film presets.  I have become absolutely in love with these and have almost completely quit using all other plugins/presets.  I think what makes them unique is that they use the adjustments within lightroom and therefore you don’t have to create multiple picture files and you can always make post-preset adjustments at any time.  It allows me to spend more time taking pictures and less time post-processing.  Also, many of the presets fit my style of photography perfectly.

VSCO Film is sold under 4 sets, modern, classic, instant, and slide film.  I probably use classic, instant, and slide film the most.  I will forewarn, they are expensive but you do get a discount for each set you buy after purchasing one.  Personally, I think they are well worth it.

Here is a post by Steve Huff with samples (he got me hooked on them).

Below are a few pictures of before and after (click on the images to see them larger).  Let me know if you have any questions.

4 thoughts on “VSCO Film Review”

  1. Gage,

    I too am in love with these presets. I convert 90% of my images to black and white and used to feel that I suffered from color post-processing disorder. VSCO Film has cleared up this condition. Thank you for you thoughts.

    Cheers my friend,


    1. Thanks Ben. I didn’t show any examples here but the black & white presets for VSCO are great & I routinely use them. They work great with the Leica M Monochrom.

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