Mother Nature

Last weekend I took a short trip to Napa Valley and Yosemite.  Napa Valley, a place that typically gets little rain, rained the entire time.  Yosemite, which I expected snow, rained the entire first day and snowed so hard the second day that it made seeing anything that was beyond 100 yards very difficult.  I was able to capture a few shots that I’ll be posting over the next few weeks.

Phase One IQ3-100 ISO 50 f10 1/60 Rodenstock 32mm f4 HR Digaron-W


Back home, we drive by this old abandoned mobile home that sits between these 2 large trees up on a hill.  Our last visit home was a dark gloomy day and felt it would be a perfect time to take a shot.

Phase One IQ3-100 ISO 50 f11 1/6 Rodenstock 32mm f4 HR Digaron-W


The View

The View

We just got back from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  It was a different kind of trip for us but enjoyable.  I did not get to take as many landscape pictures as I wanted to, but I did get a few. I captured many pictures of the kids.

This image was taken at the Inn at Stonecliffe on Mackinac Island.  If you ever have a chance to visit, I would highly recommend (be prepared, there are no cars and it’s all walking, biking, and horse drawn carriage).

The View
Phase One XF IQ3-100 ISO 50 f11 1/25 Schneider 35mm LS f3.5

The Holland Harbor Lighthouse

We didn’t have much time to visit this lighthouse during our trip to Holland Michigan but I was able to take a few quick shots.  It was around 4pm in the afternoon therefore the shadows were somewhat harsh. I used my Lee graduated filters which helped a lot.

ISO 200 1/180 sec f8 21mm (leica m typ 240, leica 21mm super-elmar, LR5 beta)

Bridge to Nowhere part 2

Here is the same image from yesterday but shot with the Leica M Monochrom. Honestly, I’m unsure which shot I like best?  I think it really depends on my mood.

ISO 320 .5 sec f16 21mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 21mm super elmar, Lee seven5 filter set, Lee seven5 .6 graduated filter, Lee .6 solid filter, LR4, Nik Software, Define 2)

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