If you go to flickr, 500px, or any street photographers website I will guarantee that you will find a picture of someone with a pink umbrella. I suppose it’s because it sticks out like a sore thumb or because of the contrast in comparison to its surroundings. Next time you see one, I bet you take a picture.
Here is my “pink umbrella” (the color is close enough). I like the guy next to her looking at his phone but I wish the “Chicago Sun-Times” dispenser wasn’t sitting there (people still read newspapers???).
P.S. I’m going to try to add my picture settings to all my pictures now (I’m always interested in others therefore I’m sure some are interested in mine). Last, since I use a Leica M9 and the aperture is set on the camera lens, sometimes I will not be able to add this info because I can’t remember what I had it set at (exif information in the pic does not include it because it ‘s a truly manual camera and lens).
ISO 160 1/1500 50mm summilux

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