We were coming down the stairs this morning and a few rays of light shot through to our stair case. She stood still long enough for me to capture an image.

Not often will you see someone in Southern Florida wearing a Beannie but when it’s 38 degrees you can understand why. After taking a walk down to the beach we decided to stop and play a quick game of Ping Pong. I had my Phase One XF and IQ3-100mp in hand and often times forget how great it is in making 3 dimensional images (I use it more for landscapes). I know the image quality is great but it has a flare to it that others don’t. I only wish Phase could make a system more compact, similar to Hasselblad X1D.
Phase One IQ3-100 ISO 50 f8 1/250 Schneider 55mm LS f2.8