
Re-post December 2011

The one thing I really enjoy about my Leica M9 is the ability to shoot without a flash in low light.  This is only possible because I can shoot at very low apertures (i.e. f/1.4 or f/2.0).  The only down side with the Leica M9 is its poor high ISO if shooting in color.

This picture of my nephew was taken only with light from a few lanterns and street lights.


We were in Madison Wisconsin this weekend to meet my great-niece and celebrate my nephews high school graduation.  My nephew lived with me and my parents off and on when he was little and I’ve always considered him a brother.  He’s had to travel a lot throughout the past 5 years but was fortunate to settle down and spend his last few years in Madison.  He made many friends and has really matured during this time.  We are all very proud of him.

You want this?

I’ve been busy traveling the past few days and will continue to be busy throughout the remaining month.  Hopefully, I can at least post a new pic every other day.

Last week, I decided to sell my NEX-7 and move to the new Olympus OM-D.  Both are great cameras but the NEX-7 just doesn’t have the amount of lenses on the market.  Also, I really like the functionality of the OM-D.

Here is one of my first pictures taken with the Olympus OM-D with Panasonic’s 7-14mm lens.  When shooting landscape with this lens there is very little distortion but when you have a subject within inches of the lens you can see that it gives it a unique perspective.


Our Future @ 12 months

Here it is, the 1 year shot!  I’ve already posted it on Steve Huff’s website (thanks Steve), you can see it here.  I’ve had a great time taking these pictures and look forward to shooting more.  I plan on taking one every 6 months now and hopefully I can continue for a very long time.

Our Future @ 12 months

Original:  Our Future

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