Tag Archives: panasonic 7-14mm

Welcomed Storm

I’ve mentioned in other post I don’t frequently shoot HDR’s anymore.  One of the main reasons is because I don’t shoot as many landscapes.  Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to shoot more and have been delighted with the results with my Olympus OM-D and the Panasonic 7-14mm lens.  You can bracket up to 7 shots (at .7 EV each).  I find 7 exposures works very well.  Also, I’ve started to transition from using Photomatix to Nik Software HDR Efex 2.  So far, I think Nik’s software is more user-friendly, has better adjusts, and allows for a more realistic images (that’s the kind of HDR I like).

As most know, we have gotten little rain this summer.  A few weeks ago we did have a storm come through and I was able to get out and take a few images.  Here is one that I captured.

ISO 200 f4 7mm – shot with Olympus OM-D & Panasonic 7-14mm lens