Looking Onward
In 2009 my wife and I traveled to Hawaii for a 7 day cruise. We had a really good time and enjoyed spending time with our friends Sarah and Bryan. This picture was taken of my wife on our balcony. Obviously, I love the picture.
Dusk at Hatteras Island
The past week I’ve been working a lot of nights and have not had time to post. This time a year people are up on ladders cleaning gutters, inspecting their roof, and deer hunting. These activities unfortunately increase my business because many will often fall. I suggest being careful if you are doing anything that involves being more than 3 feet off the ground.
Here is a picture taken of my nephew and niece. I was standing taking pictures of the ocean and turned around and caught them just at the right moment (it was not staged).
Pier at Dusk
I’ve posted many pictures from our trip to the Outer Banks last year. We had a wonderful time and I was fortunate to capture many great pics.
One evening we went to the Avon Pier at sunset. I setup underneath the pier to try to capture the waves that were coming in and the many post that held up the pier. The picture is a 5 exposure HDR utilizing my old Canon 5d Mark II. I really like the texture in the piers posts.
Here are other post from the Outer Banks: The Orange Sunrise, The Empty Pier, Cape Hatteras Lighthouse