Here is the last picture in the series.
ISO 800 1/90 sec f2 50mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 50mm summicron APO, LR4)
Last year I sold my Leica 50mm summilux to purchase the 35mm summilux FLE. Since that time, I’ve really missed having a more compact 50mm lens (I have the huge noctilux). When the Leica 50mm summicron APO was announced I pre-ordered it (Dale Photo). Today, it finally came in the mail and even though I’ve only take a few shots, I’m extremely impressed. I don’t think I’ve ever had or seen a lens that is as sharp as it. Here is one of my first shots.
ISO 800 1/90 sec f2 50mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 50mm summicron APO, LR4)
Recently, I’ve been excited to post pics taken with my Leica M 240. I still have my Leica M Monochrom and love how it renders black and white pictures. We were in New Orleans and one evening a friend and I took a walk down Bourbon street. I was amazed how crazy it was even on a Tuesday night. It’s definitely, a great town to take pictures.
ISO 1600 1/60 sec f.95 50mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 50mm Noctilux, LR4)
I pass these trees everyday on my way to work. I’ve many times tried to imagine a good shot of them. This past weekend there was just a faint amount of fog and I stopped my truck and took a few shots. Initially, I didn’t think I would like the shot with the guard rail but I think it gives the image a more 3D appearance and adds to the symmetry provided by the tree’s.
P.S. As you can easily notice, there is nothing “alive” wear I live right now. Hopefully soon, we’ll start seeing some life.
ISO 200 1/350 sec f.95 50mm (Leica M typ 240, Leica 50mm noctilux, LR4)
I know the day is almost over but Happy St. Patty’s Day!
ISO 800 1/250 sec f1.4 35mm (Leica M Typ 240, Leica 35mm summilux FLE, LR4)
ISO 800 1/250 sec f1.4 35mm (Leica M Typ 240, Leica 35mm summilux FLE, LR4)
Here’s another shot from St. Louis Cathedral. The previous shot can be seen here.
ISO 160 f1.4 1/90 sec 35mm (Leica M9-P, Leica 35mm summilux, Lr4)