The Dragon and the Princess
On your mark
Her guidance
The Bean – Black & White
I’m amazed how often people click on my blog because they are searching for information on Chicago’s “The Bean” (its real name is Cloud Gate). I’ve posted this image before in color but honestly have never been happy with the look of the sky. Here’s the picture in black and white. I think I’m finally happy with the sky and background.
Leica M9-P Leica 21mm super-elmar, 7 exposure HDR
A Face in a Crowd
We were walking down Michigan Avenue and I decided to walk behind to catch a few candid pics of my baby girl. I think she was a little sleep deprived and was acting a little crazy. She kept waiving at me but everyone around me didn’t realize I was her father, thus they thought she was waiving at them.
ISO 160 1/90’s f1.4 35mm summilux (Leica M9, leica 35mm summilux, Apple Aperture, Photoshop CS6, Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4)