You call this talent?

Repost: 9.27.11

As we were walking to the hotel and stopped, waiting to cross Michigan Avenue, we noticed this guy on a bike smoking a cigarette and balancing himself in one spot for what seem to be an eternity. While multitasking, he had many cars passing him left and right. I definitely think this is a talent but don’t think it’s a talent I want?

The shot was taken with my Leica M9 and 50mm summilux set at continuous shooting, f/1.4, and 1/45 shutter speed. Because of the low aperture and the small size of the camera I was able to successfully get this shot at such a low shutter speed. Last, I keep my camera on continuous shooting so that I have a better opportunity of getting a sharper image and catching the action act the exact, right time.

Morning Haze

Repost 8.21.11

Yesterday morning I was heading into work on a road behind our subdivision.  It was foggy and as I was driving I found the light coming through the trees with the combination of fog to be very interesting.  I stopped in the middle of the road and opened my door and shot a few pics.

This image was created using my Leica M9-P and 50mm summilux.  I initially edited the picture with Nik Software Silver Efex Pro 2.  It has a slider that allows for you to selectively bring back colors.  I did this to the road and really liked the look.  Unfortunately, I didn’t like the rest of the pic thus I decided I would go back to my original file and process it through OnOne Softwares Perfect Layers.  Once I did this I felt I was on to something.  I then opened up Photoshop CS 5 and layered the two pics.  Next I extended the sun rays and added a sepia tone to give it a more warm feeling.

Bath time

We are very fortunate that our baby girl absolutely loves bath time.  In greater than 5 months she has not once cried or got upset during bath time.  It’s also a great time to take a picture of her.  Here is a recent picture after her bath.

Repost October 2011


Keep Going

I have been extremely busy the past few weeks.  When that happens unfortunately the first thing that has to be put on the back burner is the website.  Don’t worry though, I still find time to take pictures.

I had the opportunity to take a few pictures while in Dallas.  I never know when I go to these meetings if I will have the time to shoot but I try as much as possible.  This picture was taken with my new Leica 21mm Super Elmar.  When focused, the images are razor sharp.  It’s very compact and very easy to use.  Anyway, I was shooting from the hip while walking trying to catch people in motion.  I think I accomplished what I was looking for?

ISO 400 1/45 f/3.4 21mm super elmar

Almost Walking

This past week has been crazy busy.  I’m currently lecturing at an AO Basics Course (teaching residents how to use implants).  On Sunday, I realized that I had to give a lecture that had not been given before, thus I worked night and day and got it done (gave the lecture about 2 hours ago).

Here is a recent picture of my baby girl.  She has successfully mastered standing with support and you can see from the picture she can easily do it with one hand.  In the past week we find her standing more and more without any support.  I don’t think she has realized that she can successfully do this.  When she does, I’m sure she will be walking all over the place.

ISO 800 1/60 f/.95 50mm noctilux

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