I recently posted pics of our baby girl on our couch at nine months. The picture posted was taken with my Leica M9 and Noctilux. I also took a few pictures with my Sony NEX-7 and Zeiss 24mm. Because, Aperture does’t process NEX-7 RAW files currently, I’m using Capture One Express and finally got around to processing them.
I have to say the images in my opinion are comparable to my Leica M9. The sharpness is dead on and the colors are great. I even noticed that the Leica M9 output causes some red tones in her skin that is not seen on the NEX-7 (I’ve heard others comment about these red tones but I never really noticed other than when shooting at high ISO’s). Let me know your thoughts?
P.S. If you want to see the full size images let me know and I can email them to you. Last, even though I speak very highly of the Sony NEX-7, I still love shooting with my Leica. There is something I find fascinating shooting with an all manual camera (I suppose I like the challenge).
ISO 100 1/200 f/1.8 24mm zeiss

ISO 100 1/200 f/1.8 24mm zeiss

ISO 160 1/1000 f/.95 50mm

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