Waiting for Life

I pass these trees everyday on my way to work.  I’ve many times tried to imagine a good shot of them.  This past weekend there was just a faint amount of fog and I stopped my truck and took a few shots.  Initially, I didn’t think I would like the shot with the guard rail but I think it gives the image a more 3D appearance and adds to the symmetry provided by the tree’s.

P.S.  As you can easily notice, there is nothing “alive” wear I live right now.  Hopefully soon, we’ll start seeing some life.

ISO 200 1/350 sec f.95 50mm (Leica M typ 240, Leica 50mm noctilux, LR4)

The Bean – Black & White

I’m amazed how often people click on my blog because they are searching for information on Chicago’s “The Bean” (its real name is Cloud Gate).  I’ve posted this image before in color but honestly have never been happy with the look of the sky.  Here’s the picture in black and white.  I think I’m finally happy with the sky and background.

Leica M9-P Leica 21mm super-elmar, 7 exposure HDR


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