Posted Stamp part 1
Another crazy snow day
After the storm
The Fort
The snowy path
I’ve noticed on a few occasions that I have posted the same pictures more than once. This wasn’t done purposely. I’ve posted more than 130 pictures in the past 7 months and it’s very easy to repost pictures if you don’t file them accordingly. Tonight, I spent over an hour going through and individually applying keywords (tags) to each of my “blogged” pictures so that I can easily check them off in the future.
This past Thanksgiving weekend my wife, baby girl, and I spend time with her mother and family in Tampa Florida. We had a great time and really enjoyed the 75 degree and blue sky weather. Unfortunately, immediately when we landed back in Fort Wayne, it was back to 30 degree weather and rain. Yesterday, that rain changed to snow and we had our first snow fall of the year.
Last winter, I was driving by an entrance to a country club near my home and really liked the trees and the light snow fall on the pavement. I stopped and snapped this picture.
What’s That?
A few weeks ago we went to the Fort Wayne Taste of the Arts festival. For a small city, there were many vendors there. Unfortunately, I didn’t find a whole lot worth taking pictures of. This picture was taken while walking through the crowd with my 28 summicron. Something caught their attention.
Red Door
Last fall a friend of mine asked for me to take a few family pics of them at a local park. As I was leaving I came upon a large red barn. The barn was sitting on a 7 foot stone block base. The doors were weathered and really stood out because of the surrounding stone. Here is one of those doors.

Indiana Sunset
Living in Cleveland, OH for 5 years I got accustomed to grey skies. It seemed as if we would have one blue sky in the winter maybe 1 or 2 times a month. When I moved to Fort Wayne, I was hoping to see more blue skies and fortunately I do but still not as often as I would like (I’m sure others agree in Northeast Indiana). One evening in January, while driving home from work we had one of those rare events. I was driving on the interstate staring at the sun and noticed 2 trees in a field with nothing around them. I immediately took the next exit and drove into the field where they were located. Fortunately, I was able to catch one of these rare Indiana sunsets.
P.S. This is a good reason why you should always carry your camera equipment, you never know when you will find a good picture opportunity.