My Perspective
Watching you
We have a two-sided fireplace (as you can see) and often times my little girl can easily be seen playing in the great room. I was watching TV and began watching my wife interact with our little one. I rushed out of my seat, grabbed my camera and hurried back and put my feet up and began shooting.
ISO 160 1/50 f/.95 50mm noctilux
Sony NEX-7
August I pre-ordered the much anticipated Sony NEX-7. I’ve been wanting a good back-up camera for my Leica M9 and thought this would be the camera to have. Wednesday, I got my wish. B&H Photo surprised me (I didn’t get the typical shipping notice in my email) with my NEX-7. I’ve been shooting with it constantly the past few days and so far I’m amazed how “light” and “snappy” it is.
This is my first shot posted using the NEX-7. I have the Sony 24mm Zeiss lens but I also have the Novoflex M-mount to Sony E-mount adapter. This was taken with my Leica 50mm summilux.
ISO1000 1/60 f/1.4 50mm summilx (80mm equivalent)
Carrying the little one!
I’m sure some get tired of seeing me post pics of my baby girl all the time. First, she’s very photogenic and second, she consumes almost 100% of my time right now outside of work. Last, it’s my blog therefore I guess I can post whatever I want. LOL.
My family has been in Louisville for the past few days and while my wife works, my baby girl and I have been walking the streets. I should say, I’ve been walking the streets with her attached to my waist.
This second picture was taken at Maker’s Mark. It’s a local restaurant that makes its on Bourbon. I’m not a whiskey drinker but their food was fantastic (it’s seasoned with bourbon).
ISO 1000 1/45 f1.4 50mm summilux
ISO 320 1/30 f.14 50mm summilux
Our baby girl is not only crawling now but standing. In our family room we have large windows and we often times catch her climbing up to look outside. These pics were taken after our last snow fall. I think she was really interested in all the white stuff on the ground and window.
ISO 160 1/125 f1.4 50mm summilux
Mom, I’m like you!
Happy New Year everyone. We just got back from visiting our family in Illinois. It’s always enjoyable to go back but it’s also tiresome because we travel from place to place so that we can visit with everyone.
My goal with this blog in the new year is to continue to post 4-6 pictures a week and also write some reviews. I may even step outside the camera world and comment on other electronic related items (I admit, I’m a huge computer and technology geek).
We were visiting my sister-in-law and her youngest got a stethescope for Christmas. His mother is in the medical profession and I’m sure he will enjoy pretending he is like his mom.
ISO 160 1/90 f/1.4 -.33 exposure 50mm
Our Abby
I can’t recall if I have ever posted any pictures of our dog Abby. We have a soon to be 12 year old Border Collie. She was purchased from Wildblue Border Collies and was flown to us from Lubbock Texas. She has been a phenomenal pet and is truly part of the family. She is probably the most docile dog I’ve ever met and has been fantastic having her around our baby girl.
This picture was taken a few years ago with my Canon 5D MarkII using a wide angle lens.
ISO 100 f/5.6 1/60s 17mm
Our Future @ 6 months
I have to admit, even though everyone warns you how bringing a child into this world will change your life, you have to experience it to believe it. It has been a phenomenal 6 months. Yes, there are those sleepless nights but that is easily forgotten when she looks at you with those big blue eyes and smiles.
I still remember when we brought her home and I decided to start this picture series. She was so small, only woke to eat, and didn’t move. Now, she’s almost crawling and we can’t get her to sit still. This picture series is actually getting more challenging because she wants to scoot off the couch each time. Fortunately, she is always smiling and it never takes more than a few shots to get the one I want.
This time we took pictures of her laying down and sitting up and both were good but I think this one of her sitting is by far the best.
P.S. Go through the slideshow to see her previous pictures in the series.
Hey Grandpa
Recently, we went home for a friends wedding and had just enough time to visit with family members. Because we live a few hours a way, our baby girl doesn’t get to interact with her extended family. Here is a picture taken at her great grandmothers house playing with grandpa and great grandma.