Phase One XF IQ280 f11 ISO 100 1/50 Schneider 40-80mm LS

Re-post August 2011
Keeping it short today. Couple weeks ago when I was driving around Bluffton, Indiana I came across this old grey barn. Again, it was in the middle of the day which does not make for good shooting but I put my 3.0 ND filter on my 21mm lens and shot 7 exposures to create an HDR pic. I think it turned out well? I really like the movement of the clouds.
February of this year my wife and I went to Wisconsin to visit my sister and family. We’ve never traveled to Wisconsin and never realized how hilly the landscape is. I didn’t have time to take too many pictures but we were driving around and found this barn only feet from the road. The sun was setting and thought it would be a great picture opportunity. I love the sun rays coming through the branches. Enjoy.
Repost June 2011
Last summer I was driving around trying to find old barns to take pictures of. It’s getting more and more difficult to find these old structures and when you do they are typically surrounded by other buildings or homes therefore it’s very difficult to get an isolated shot.
I came across this barn that set well behind the owners home. I went up to the door and inquired if I could take a few pictures. They initially questioned if I was trying to sell them something (I guess they have people come by inquiring about taking “fly over” pictures of their farm). After I informed them I was just an avid photography with an interest in old barns, they had no problem letting me walk around their property.
This was a 7 exposure HDR. I used a wide angle lens and made sure that there was something in the foreground so that I could add depth to the image. The only downside is that a wide angle lens causes “distortion” to the structures. This can be fixed in photoshop but often adds a nice effect to the image.
Last fall a friend of mine asked for me to take a few family pics of them at a local park. As I was leaving I came upon a large red barn. The barn was sitting on a 7 foot stone block base. The doors were weathered and really stood out because of the surrounding stone. Here is one of those doors.