Our Future @ 6 months

I have to admit, even though everyone warns you how bringing a child into this world will change your life, you have to experience it to believe it.  It has been a phenomenal 6 months.  Yes, there are those sleepless nights but that is easily forgotten when she looks at you with those big blue eyes and smiles.

I still remember when we brought her home and I decided to start this picture series.  She was so small, only woke to eat, and didn’t move.  Now, she’s almost crawling and we can’t get her to sit still.  This picture series is actually getting more challenging because she wants to scoot off the couch each time.  Fortunately, she is always smiling and it never takes more than a few shots to get the one I want.

This time we took pictures of her laying down and sitting up and both were good but I think this one of her sitting is by far the best.

P.S.  Go through the slideshow to see her previous pictures in the series.




Our Future @ 5 months

Our baby girl continues to cooperate when taking her picture on the couch.  I’m thinking her 6 or 7 month picture will have her sitting up.

Wow has she grown!!!

P.S.  I’m using a new slideshow viewer, it should start automatically.  You can hover your mouse over the image and can go back or enlarge it.


Who’s that?

My baby girl is obviously still trying to figure out what’s going on around her.  We have a cat and dog and every time they walk by her, she gives them one of those glares that says “who and what are you”.  While visiting at my mom’s, her cat showed a lot of interest in Lyla.  Lyla definitely was eyeing him back.

Our Future @ 4 months

Our baby girl is 1 week away from 5 months! I won’t lie, there have been some tough nights, but overall it has been a thrilling experience. Both my wife and I absolutely love her and could not have asked for a more beautiful daughter.

Continuing with my series “Our Future”, this was taken at 4 months. She still cooperates when taking the picture (I think I took maybe 5 total pics to get this one) and I’m still amazed each time I sit down to compare the pictures from month to month. I can’t imagine what she is going to look at at 1 year!

Here are links to the previous post: Our Future, Our Future @ 1 month, Our Future @ 2 months, and Our Future @ 3 months

Our Future @ 3 months

Continuing with my monthly series of “Our Future”, I’ve captured our baby girl at 3 months.  Each time I setup for this shot, I get scared that she may not cooperate.  As she has gotten older, she sleeps less, and is more in tune with her surroundings, thus it’s hard to get her to stay still for any duration of time.  With this said, it’s actually been easier to get this shot.

I’ve only posted one picture from each photo shoot so far but this time I have two.  Maybe you can comment which one you like best?  Personally, I like her looking forward but I think her mom likes her smiling at the camera.  In either case, it’s remarkable how much she has grown and how she can easily hold her head up now.  Enjoy, we sure have!!!

P.S.  I’ve also posted a comparison of all her previous pics (you can also see the previous post “Our Future“, “Our Future @ 4 weeks“, and “Our Future @ 8 weeks“).


Our Future @ 8 Weeks

Watching a new born grow is simply amazing.  Our daughter as of yesterday is 10 weeks old.  I can’t believe how fast it has went.  In such a short time she has almost doubled her weight, grown more than 3 inches, and went from sleeping and staring into space, to someone who has a wonderful personality and enjoys to smile, giggle, and show her admiration for her parents (especially mom).

Today’s post is a continuation of my “Our Future” series.  My wife was unsure if she would even cooperate for the pose.  For the first time she was awake for the shot and clearly, didn’t have any problem posing for dad.

P.S.  A friend of mine from San Diego, Elijah Nicolas has a blog (you can see it here) and recently posted a great commercial Google created promoting gmail.  The commercial shows a father creating a gmail account for his newborn and writes to it frequently so that she can have a journal of her early years.  Please watch below (it reminds me of what my wife and I are doing with taking frequent pictures).


Mother’s Love

Lately, with work I have not had much time to write or upload pictures to my blog. I’m not going to complain because I enjoy working and most of all enjoy helping others.

I don’t like taking “canned” pictures. I prefer when my subjects are not looking into the camera and focusing on whatever task at hand. Personally, I think this makes the moment much more memorable and can often allow the viewer to imagine what the subject is feeling or remind them of a similar time. Also, I enjoy capturing many of these moments in monochrome. Again, I think this adds a much more memorable, and long lasting touch.

Below is a picture of my beautiful wife and now 8 week old girl. You can see enjoyment in my wife’s eyes when looking down at her cherished little one. Even though you can’t see my daughters face, you can imagine that she is showing affection back to her mother. I think the monochrome and vignetting assist in this “real life” portrayal.

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