Waiting for Life

I pass these trees everyday on my way to work.  I’ve many times tried to imagine a good shot of them.  This past weekend there was just a faint amount of fog and I stopped my truck and took a few shots.  Initially, I didn’t think I would like the shot with the guard rail but I think it gives the image a more 3D appearance and adds to the symmetry provided by the tree’s.

P.S.  As you can easily notice, there is nothing “alive” wear I live right now.  Hopefully soon, we’ll start seeing some life.

ISO 200 1/350 sec f.95 50mm (Leica M typ 240, Leica 50mm noctilux, LR4)

St. Louis Cathedral part 2

Here’s another shot from St. Louis Cathedral.  The previous shot can be seen here.

ISO 160 f1.4 1/90 sec 35mm (Leica M9-P, Leica 35mm summilux, Lr4)



What’s next?

I’ve been busy with work the last few days and haven’t had time to post.  Peter at Prosophos featured Photographer Ashwin Rao today, you should go there and read his profile, he’s a great guy.

This shot was taken a few weeks ago at my Aunt’s house.  I felt the hardwood floor complimented my little girls dress.

ISO 1600 1/250 sec f1.4 35mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 35mm summilux FLE, LR4)

Waiting for Snow – part 3 – Leica M typ 240

Here is the final picture in the series.  If you would like to see the first picture click here or the second picture click here.

ISO 800 1/125 sec f2 90mm (Leica M 240, Leica 90mm summicron, Lr4)

Something new, something old

Unsure if it’s the yellow brick or how the light was shining down but for some reason I was drawn to this.

ISO 160 1/2000 sec f1.4 35mm (Leica M9-P, Leica 35mm summilux FLE, Lr4)

Her guidance

I love how my baby girl looks up at her mom.  I always enjoy catching these moments.

ISO 800 1/90 sec f.95 50mm (Leica M 240 50mm noctilux, Lr4)

St. Louis Cathedral part 1

If you get the opportunity to visit New Orleans, you have to run into St. Louis Cathedral.  Absolutely beautiful artwork.  Here’s a shot of a mural on the ceiling.

ISO 160 f1.4 1/125 sec 35mm (Leica M9-P, Leica 35mm summilux, Lr4)

Take it to the…

What a great smile?

ISO 320 1/1000 sec f1.4 35mm (Leica M Monochrom Leica 35mm summilux, Lr4)

Waiting for Snow – Leica M (240) part 2

Here’s another shot with the Leica M (240).  Again, more will follow the coming days.  I may return to the Monochrom with shots from my trip first.

ISO 800 1/125 sec f2 90mm (Leica M (240) Leica 90mm summicron, Lr4)

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