
Last year I wanted to get a reflection of the mountains and was unsuccessful due to the weather.  Here is a picture from last year.  The first time I went out this year I was able to get a good reflection but you could not see the mountains due to the dense fog.

Finally, on the third time, I got the shot!

Phase One IQ3-100 iso 50 f8 1/10 Rodenstock 32mm f4 HR Digaron-W

The Investigator

Phase One IQ3-100 ISO 100 f11 1/250 Schneider 55mm LS f2.8
The Hike to the Tea House on the Plain of Six Glaciers Trail was truly one of the most beautiful hikes we have ever completed. About 2/3 of the way there, we stopped and relaxed at this large rock pile.  You can see Lyla had interest in these rocks.


It is not a Polaroid camera but close enough!  She loves taking pictures with it.

Phase One IQ3-100 iso 800 f5.6 1/250 Schneider 80mm LS f2.8

My Young Photographer

I was unsure if she would get up for a morning sunrise but surprisingly she was ecstatic to spend time with dad.  She was also able to take a few pictures herself.


Yesterday we did the Plain of Six Glaciers Trail, an 8 mile hike to the Tea House.  It was an absolutely beautiful walk up the mountains and next to glaciers.  After the hike, our little girl wanted to stick her feet in the ice cold Lake Louise water for some relaxation.

Phase One IQ3-100 ISO 100 f6.3 1/250 Schneider 55mm LS f2.8

Shades of Grey

Phase One IQ3-100 ISO 50 f9 60 sec Rodenstock 32mm f4 HR Digaron-W

Happy 4th of July

Phase One IQ3-100 iso 50 f8 1/400 Schneider 80mm LS f2.8


Phase One IQ3-100 iso 100 f5.6 1/320 Schneider 55mm LS f2.8

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