Hey Grandpa

Recently, we went home for a friends wedding and had just enough time to visit with family members.  Because we live a few hours a way, our baby girl doesn’t get to interact with her extended family.  Here is a picture taken at her great grandmothers house playing with grandpa and great grandma.

Enlightened Church

Here’s another shot I took back in 2009.  This is an old church that sits on old U.S. 50 in my home town of Lawrenceville, IL.  I have driven by it for years and always liked the look of it.  I decided one evening to attempt some long exposures and thought this church would be a great subject.  The picture turned out well.  My only wish was that I would like to have some clouds in the sky.  It would definitely add some drama to the image.

Old Shed

A couple years ago my brother-in-law and I were driving around near my home town looking for places to take pictures of.  We came across this old house but there were too many trees near the front of it to get a good perspective.  We walk around back and I noticed this old run down shed.  As I was setting up for the shot it began to rain.  Fortunately, my friend was able to keep my camera dry by holding an umbrella.  Personally, I was just happy that no one came up on us since we were standing awkwardly close to one another.

Endless Hall

Even though I didn’t have much time to take pictures on my San Diego trip, I feel like I captured some good ones.  Here is another picture from Balboa Park.  I really wish I could go back, the architecture as I mentioned before was spectacular.

Here are previous post from my San Diego trip:  Need a ride?The Moment

Updated site

Earlier today my site was offline for a few hours.  I’ve switch my domain from gagemphoto.com to rangetraveler.com.  I did this because I never liked using my name within the domain and felt “range traveler” would be better.  The reason for “range traveler” is because I use a rangefinder  camera (if you’re not familiar with rangefinder cameras click here to read about them).

I hope to have an updated review on my Leica M9-P in a few days.  The reason for updating is that I have changed my opinion over the past few months as I have become more familiar with the camera and have spoke to others who use the  Leica M9 and/or earlier Leica film and digital cameras.  Also, Steve Huff posted an open letter from one of his followers about his disgust with his Leica M9 (read here).  This post has brought a lot of comments for and against Leica.  Personally, I think many have the wrong interpretation of the Leica M9.  Hopefully I can clear some of it up.

P.S.  Here is a list of changes to my site:  changed url to rangetraveler.com, added favicon next to url, removed affiliate programs, added my favorite links, changed home page main image

Simple sunrise

I’m sure most of you noticed that I take a lot of black and white pictures.  I don’t know if it is just a “phase” or that my interests have changed.  Most recently, I’ve began shooting both RAW and black and white jpeg so that I can get an idea of what will work best.

This shot was taken at the Outer Banks.  I have both a color and black and white version but prefer the black and white.

Our Future @ 5 months

Our baby girl continues to cooperate when taking her picture on the couch.  I’m thinking her 6 or 7 month picture will have her sitting up.

Wow has she grown!!!

P.S.  I’m using a new slideshow viewer, it should start automatically.  You can hover your mouse over the image and can go back or enlarge it.


Here he comes

When you’re walking around big cities you will often come across some unusual and sometimes strange people.  When we started our photo walk with Steve Huff we were walking in the rain and the temperature was in the mid 50’s.  As we came around a corner there was a man walking in the street in only tennis shoes, shorts, and tight t-shirt.  I quickly took a picture which was obviously underexposed.  Personally, I think the shot worked well, it gave the subject an interesting and somewhat scary look.

Who’s that?

My baby girl is obviously still trying to figure out what’s going on around her.  We have a cat and dog and every time they walk by her, she gives them one of those glares that says “who and what are you”.  While visiting at my mom’s, her cat showed a lot of interest in Lyla.  Lyla definitely was eyeing him back.

You will be missed!!!

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