
I usually don’t post pictures I take immediately but our little one in the past week has successfully learned how to “shake” and “dance”.  Here is a moment from last night.

P.S.  click on image to see it in full-size, her eyes are mesmerizing


Repost: 9.29.11

I was at O’hare not to long ago and was heading up the escalator when, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a young lady asleep just outside ticketing. I have always found it amazing how people can just fall asleep anywhere. I guess if you’re desperate, anything is possible. Well, here is a picture of the young lady sleeping as I was riding up the escalator.

You call this talent?

Repost: 9.27.11

As we were walking to the hotel and stopped, waiting to cross Michigan Avenue, we noticed this guy on a bike smoking a cigarette and balancing himself in one spot for what seem to be an eternity. While multitasking, he had many cars passing him left and right. I definitely think this is a talent but don’t think it’s a talent I want?

The shot was taken with my Leica M9 and 50mm summilux set at continuous shooting, f/1.4, and 1/45 shutter speed. Because of the low aperture and the small size of the camera I was able to successfully get this shot at such a low shutter speed. Last, I keep my camera on continuous shooting so that I have a better opportunity of getting a sharper image and catching the action act the exact, right time.

Bath time

We are very fortunate that our baby girl absolutely loves bath time.  In greater than 5 months she has not once cried or got upset during bath time.  It’s also a great time to take a picture of her.  Here is a recent picture after her bath.

Repost October 2011


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