Watching you

We have a two-sided fireplace (as you can see) and often times my little girl can easily be seen playing in the great room.  I was watching TV and began watching my wife interact with our little one.  I rushed out of my seat, grabbed my camera and hurried back and put my feet up and began shooting.

ISO 160 1/50 f/.95 50mm noctilux

My favorite food

We ran home for a quick visit with friends and family.  Any time we go home I always have to get pizza from Bobe’s Pizza.  Growing up I probably ate there at least twice a week.

After we finished eating, our daughter decided she would get on the table and try to entertain everyone.  Don’t worry she has vitamin bottles in her hands.

ISO 160 1/45 f/3.4 21mm super elmar

On the go

Recently I purchased Leica’s new 21mm super elmar.  All I can say is WOW!  The sharpness and minimal distortion is phenomenal.  Last, I love using “zone focusing“.  I just set my aperture and shooting distance and I’m ready to go.  If you set your aperture to f/8 (has to be a sunny day) and shooting distance to 5 feet, anything beyond 3 feet will be in focus.

This shot was taken from the hip.  This guy was definitely on the go.

ISO 160 1/250 f/8 21mm super elmar

Essence of Cool

Repost: 8.13.2011

One of the goals of a photographer is to try to get a three dimenional feel of there pictures.  In this pic, which is probably my favorite street shot while visiting Chicago, I tried to capture this.  The subject is framed by two bystanders in the foreground which help draw you into the subject.  The lady and and cars in the background add depth to the pic.

Eagle Scout

My nephew recently became an Eagle Scout.  It’s a great achievement that many boy scouts never achieve.  It takes time, hard work, and dedication.  During his ceremony, my sister presented my nephew with my fathers Illinois State Police name badge.  He passed away almost 10 years ago and was a father figure for my nephew.  I know he watches over my nephew and is very proud of his accomplishments.

ISO 160 1/180 f/.95 50mm

ISO 160 1/180 f/.95 50mm

ISO 160 1/180 f/.95 50mm

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