ISO 160 1/180’s f.95 50mm (Leica M9-P, 50mm noctilux, Silver Efex Pro 2, Aperture)
Yes, this ice cream cone is pretty good dad…
Exploring my first library book
Where are you… I found you… I love you!!!
I’m 4…
Recently, we celebrated my nephew’s 4th birthday. As you can see from the pictures, he was just a little excited.
ISO 160 1/60’s f1.4 35mm (Leica M9, Leica 35mm summilux, Aperture 3.3)
Blue Eyes
The last few weeks I’ve put my Leica aside and spent most of the time shooting with my Nikon D800E. It has taken time getting accustomed to it because I’ve gotten so used to using a manual focus camera. The Nikon D800E is a very large camera in comparison to my Leica and even though I like the picture quality, my Leica will still be at my side the majority of the time. I love the challenge shooting with a manual focus camera. Also, I find it at times more difficult to shoot in autofocus because it doesn’t necessarily focus on what I want it to.
Here’s a recent picture of my beautiful baby girl. We were heading out for a wagon ride and the light coming into the garage really accentuated her beautiful blue eyes. She definitely got them from mommy.
ISO 100 1/160’s f1.4 85mm (Nikon D800E, Nikon 85mm f1.4, Aperture, Color Efex)
Going on a wagon ride
Here is a perfect example of how you can break the rule in photography that says that your subject shouldn’t be in the middle of your picture. The use of my wifes arm and body allowed for an excellent “framing” of my subject, my beautiful baby girl.
ISO 100 1/125’s f1.4 85mm (Nikon D800E, Nikon 85mm f1.4, Aperture)
Our Princess
A Face in a Crowd
We were walking down Michigan Avenue and I decided to walk behind to catch a few candid pics of my baby girl. I think she was a little sleep deprived and was acting a little crazy. She kept waiving at me but everyone around me didn’t realize I was her father, thus they thought she was waiving at them.
ISO 160 1/90’s f1.4 35mm summilux (Leica M9, leica 35mm summilux, Apple Aperture, Photoshop CS6, Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4)