ISO 800 1/90 sec f2 90mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 90mm summicron, Lr4)
Our Future @ 18 months
A few weeks ago our baby girl turned 18 months. We were successful at another “couch” picture. I’m hoping the next at 24 months will be as successful.
Here is her original pic 18 months ago.
Look over there
Go Irish
Looking at you
Over Thanksgiving my nephew joined us for the holiday and this is one of a few shots I took of him. We were in very low light and I love shooting around 3200-5000 iso with my Leica M Monochrom. The grain (noise) is what I really enjoy in the pics.
ISO 4000 1/125 sec f2 90mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 90mm summicron APO, Lr 4, PS6)