B & W, Leica 50mm summilux (current version), Leica M Type 240 (M240), Mirrorless, People, Portraits, Rangefinder, VSCO, VSCO film Eating Santa’s Cookies December 30, 2013 Gage Caudell Leica M240 ISO 800 1/180 f1.4 50mm summilux Share:
Leica 50mm summilux, Leica 50mm summilux (current version), Leica M Type 240 (M240), Mirrorless, People, Portraits, Rangefinder, VSCO, VSCO film Infectious Smile December 29, 2013 Gage Caudell Leica M240, ISO 1600 1/125 50mm summilux Share:
B & W, Leica 24mm summilux ASPH, Leica M Type 240 (M240), People, Portraits, Rangefinder, VSCO, VSCO film Speechless December 28, 2013 Gage Caudell 2 Comments This is our little girl when first seeing her “choo choo train”. She was completely speechless. Leica M240, ISO 1600 1/90 f1.4 24mm summilux Share:
Leica 50mm summilux (current version), Leica M Type 240 (M240), People, Portraits, Rangefinder, VSCO, VSCO film Getting comfortable December 26, 2013 Gage Caudell Leica M240, ISO 800 1/90 f1.4 50mm summilux ASPH Share:
Leica 50mm summilux, Leica 50mm summilux (current version), Leica M Type 240 (M240), Mirrorless, People, Portraits, Rangefinder, VSCO, VSCO film Christmas Spirit December 19, 2013 Gage Caudell Leica M240, ISO 3200 f1.4 1/250 50mm summilux Share:
B & W, Leica 120mm apo-macro-summarit s, Leica S (typ 006), People, Portraits, VSCO, VSCO film Driven the tractor part 1 December 10, 2013 Gage Caudell Leica S ISO 200 f5.6 1/125 sec 120mm apo-macro-summarit-s Share:
B & W, Leica 35mm summilux fle, Leica M Monochrom, Mirrorless, People, Portraits, Rangefinder, VSCO, VSCO film Make-up November 29, 2013 Gage Caudell 2 Comments Leica. M Monochrom ISO 800 1/350 f2 35mm summilux fle Share:
B & W, Leica 50mm summicron apo, Leica M Monochrom, Mirrorless, People, Portraits, Rangefinder, VSCO, VSCO film Happy Thanksgiving November 28, 2013 Gage Caudell Leica M Monochrom ISO 800 1/250 f3.4 50mm summicron apo Share:
Leica 70mm summarit-s, Leica S (typ 006), People, Portraits, VSCO, VSCO film Spending time with dad part 2 November 27, 2013 Gage Caudell Leica S ISO 100 f2.5 1/90 70mm summarit-s Share:
Cemetery, Leica 70mm summarit-s, Leica S (typ 006), People, Portraits, VSCO, VSCO film Spending time with dad November 23, 2013 Gage Caudell 1 Comment My little girl has taken a liking to spending time with me while I’m taking pictures. I always try to take some time to take pictures of her. Leica S ISO 100 f2.4 1/90 70mm summarit-s Share: