Leica MM 246, ISO 1600 f3.4 1/250 21mm super-elmar

I often get a request for copies of my Cloud Gate (aka The Bean) pictures for both commercial and personal use. If you do a google image search for the “The Bean” you will find one of my images as the 2nd most looked at picture. I’ve recently update my SmugMug account and have started posting pictures there that some may want to print. For individual commercial use you can purchase print here and also for personal use. You can always download one of the pictures from my site (most of these images are within 2400 x 2400). Last, if you are interested in a full-size image for personal use and you don’t want to buy through SmugMug please don’t hesitate to contact me (I will typically send it too you for free and then you can print it yourself).
Here is the link to my SmugMug page.
Click on the image to see each of my Cloud Gate pictures posted to this site.
We didn’t have much time to visit this lighthouse during our trip to Holland Michigan but I was able to take a few quick shots. It was around 4pm in the afternoon therefore the shadows were somewhat harsh. I used my Lee graduated filters which helped a lot.
ISO 200 1/180 sec f8 21mm (leica m typ 240, leica 21mm super-elmar, LR5 beta)
Here is the same image from yesterday but shot with the Leica M Monochrom. Honestly, I’m unsure which shot I like best? I think it really depends on my mood.
ISO 320 .5 sec f16 21mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 21mm super elmar, Lee seven5 filter set, Lee seven5 .6 graduated filter, Lee .6 solid filter, LR4, Nik Software, Define 2)
Continuing with the theme from a few days ago, here is another picture from Lake Erie (Huntington Park). This picture was again taken using the Lee seven5 filter system. What I like about this system is how compact it is (fits in my pocket) and allows me to shoot at any time (even mid-day). I also like the fact that I can see immediately on the viewfinder what the image looks like. The only other way to make images like this is to shoot HDR and you will not know how it will turn out until after you have layered the different exposures.
This first image was taken with my Leica M typ 240 and the image tomorrow will be from the Leica M Monochrom, taken in the exact side spot with the same filters.
ISO 200 1 sec f16 21mm (Leica M Type 240, Leica 21mm super elmar, Lee seven5 filter set, Lee seven5 .6 graduated filter, Lee .6 solid filter, LR4, Nik Software, Define 2)