Lost color
Awaiting Spring
Last Bloom part 2
Season of change
Last bloom
Ready to Awaken
Farmer’s Market
It’s been a few days since I’ve posted any pics. We traveled to Madison, Wisconsin to visit family and then made a one day stop in our favorite city, Chicago. I’m pretty sure I captured a few good pics.
Here is a pic from our travel to Madison’s Farmer’s Market. I’ve been to farmer’s markets before, but none of this size. It completely surrounded the state capitol. Here is a pic of one of the vegetable stands.
ISO 160 1/750’s f1.4 35mm summilux (Leica M9, Leica 35mm summilux, Aperture 3.3)
Hot pepper
For a short time, I had this idea I would start shooting macro. About 2-3 weeks into having Canon’s 100mm macro lens, I decided to sell all my Canon gear to buy a Leica M9 and lens.
I obviously didn’t have the opportunity to take many macro shots. It was difficult to focus and I felt you really needed a flash dedicated for macro shots. Here is a picture of a red pepper my wife was growing at the time.
Lost pictures
Every couple of months I go through my pictures trying to find ones that I like but forgot about. Today’s picture is one of them.
Last summer I was driving around looking for places to take pictures of and came across this old barn. As I walked towards it, I glanced down and notices these flowers without petals (maybe they weren’t flower, never was very good at botany).
ISO 160 1/4000 f1.4 50mm summilux (ND filter was also used)