No Parking

Re-post November 2011

Coming up with new photo ideas (compositions) can often times be a challenge.  Probably my biggest recommendation is take as many pictures as you possibly can.  By doing this, you will begin to understand your cameras mechanics and will get better at composing your shot.

I took this last fall.  I found this old barn and really liked it’s architecture.  I typically don’t take pictures of “No Parking” signs but I liked this one.

The Windy City

Over the next few weeks you will see a lot of pictures I took in Chicago.  We always enjoy spending time there and is probably my favorite city to visit.

One morning, I drove to Alder’s Planetarium.  The planetarium is a great place to capture pictures of the city.  I shot a variety of pictures with my Olympus OM-D and Leica M9.  I think I got every lens I had out of the bag.  This one was taken with my Leica 50mm noctilux.  Actually, this is 4-5 pictures stitched together to create a panoramic shot.  I used Photoshop, Nik Software HDR Efex 2 (this is not a HDR), and Silver Efex 2.

ISO 160 1/1500’s 50mm noctilux

Note:  click to see larger size (trust me it’s worth it)


Who’s taller?

July 4th we spent up in Chicago.  Since we only live a few hours away it’s always a great place to vacation.  I got up one morning at sunrise and headed out to Alder’s Planetarium to capture pictures of downtown.  After shooting over 100 pics with my Leica 21mm super elmar and my Olympus OM-D with the Panasonic 7-14mm lens I decided to get the noctilux out to capture some great depth of field shots.  Here is one them.

ISO 160 1/2000s 50mm noctilux ND filter


I’ve been busy the past few days and have not had the opportunity to update my blog. Hopefully, I’ll have more time this weekend.

There’s nothing special about this image and I’ve on a few occasions almost deleted it.  For some reason though, I seem to be drawn to it, always looking for something interesting.  I suppose all the lines, circles, and symmetry must have something to do with it?

ISO 160 1/350 f2 35mm summicron

Where is he?

Most who know me, know my favorite camera to shoot with is my Leica M9-P.  Yesterday, Leica announce a new M series camera called the Leica M Monochrome.  At first, buying a camera that only shoots in black and white may sound a little crazy (especially for the price) but if you are someone who shoots a lot in black and white it makes some sense.  The pictures I’ve seen have been astounding and the ability to shoot at ISO 10000 and still be useable makes it even more interesting (the Leica M9 does not shoot great beyond ISO 800).  I noticed one of Steve Huff’s shots was ISO 2000 and 1/1500 of a second (WOW).  Look forward to reading more about it.

I took this shot lost fall at the Lincoln Memorial. It was dark and I noticed her sitting patiently waiting for someone.

ISO 2500 1/45s f1.4 50mm summilux


Downtown Chicago

Re-post May 2011

It was a nice clear night and I was looking for a good shot of downtown Chicago. We walked below the Michigan Ave. bridge crossing the Chicago River. This is a 5 exposure HDR. Initially shot in color, I prefer it in black and white. I hope to return to Chicago soon, it’s my favorite city to travel to.

Des Moines @ Night

Re-post June 2011

I drove into Des Moines tonight for a meeting and thought I would capture some pictures.  Des Moines is one of my favorite cities.  Since graduating in 2005 from Des Moines University there has been a significant amount of renovation to the downtown area.  I love the architecture and it’s always a great place to take pictures.

Iowa’s State Capitol sits on the east side of downtown (immediately behind me in this picture).  There is a lot of sidewalks and landscape to its west.  It also sits up high in comparison to the remaining downtown which allows for some great cityscapes.  Also, I love how Locust street ends in front of the capitol thus allowing for a unique perspective.

This shot was taken at dusk using my Leica M9 and 90mm summarit-m.  As Leica owners know, summarit is considered their “affordable” lens (most would disagree).  Anyway, I’ve been very happy with its sharpness and have taken many great pictures with it.


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