Time to relax

It can be interesting what you can capture, just holding your camera at the hip and clicking the shutter.  With the Leica M9 you can set your lens focus (using zone focus) distance and can easily capture sharp pictures (this can be done with any camera with manual focus).  It’s also a great way to capture people unexpectedly.

As I was walking in Chicago, I saw these 2 people sitting and smoking cigarettes.  By shooting at the hip, I was able to capture them at their level, which allowed for a better composition.

take a seat

The next month is going to be difficult for me to continue posting regularly because of work and travel.  I hope to post at least 3-4 times a week.

Here’s a picture I took last year in Des Moines.  I really liked how the light was hitting the chairs and I like the geometric shapes within the chairs.


The Cross

I recently posted “Our Savior“, which was my favorite picture taken at the old cemetery southwest of our house.  Here’s another picture but from a different angle.  Again, I think black and white works great here.  I also think the “blown out” appearance of the background helps make this picture work.

Hey Grandpa

Recently, we went home for a friends wedding and had just enough time to visit with family members.  Because we live a few hours a way, our baby girl doesn’t get to interact with her extended family.  Here is a picture taken at her great grandmothers house playing with grandpa and great grandma.

Simple sunrise

I’m sure most of you noticed that I take a lot of black and white pictures.  I don’t know if it is just a “phase” or that my interests have changed.  Most recently, I’ve began shooting both RAW and black and white jpeg so that I can get an idea of what will work best.

This shot was taken at the Outer Banks.  I have both a color and black and white version but prefer the black and white.

Here he comes

When you’re walking around big cities you will often come across some unusual and sometimes strange people.  When we started our photo walk with Steve Huff we were walking in the rain and the temperature was in the mid 50’s.  As we came around a corner there was a man walking in the street in only tennis shoes, shorts, and tight t-shirt.  I quickly took a picture which was obviously underexposed.  Personally, I think the shot worked well, it gave the subject an interesting and somewhat scary look.

Who’s that?

My baby girl is obviously still trying to figure out what’s going on around her.  We have a cat and dog and every time they walk by her, she gives them one of those glares that says “who and what are you”.  While visiting at my mom’s, her cat showed a lot of interest in Lyla.  Lyla definitely was eyeing him back.

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